
All Amore Basenji puppies will leave here:

Puppy Culture Raised:  Puppies raised the Puppy Culture way have improved cardio vascular performance (stronger heart rates), stronger heart beats, a stronger adrenal system that works better and faster when they need it, and are more tolerant of stress with a greater resistance to disease.  They also have increased learning ability, with better retention, and appear more stable, less fearful, and better able to cope with and recover from frightening or stressful situations/things.   Scientific Studies have shown that Enrichment Effects (like Puppy Culture) actually cause animals to grow up to 5% more brain (and within that, are anywhere from 25-200 neuro-connections!). Studies have shown that the area of the brain where these new brain cells form is actually the area related to learning, memory, and emotional response!

STARTING 2024 we will introduce AVIDOG’S ESI (Early Scent Introduction), which preliminary personal studies have shown improved scenting abilities as adults! 



 AKC Registered: Individually AKC registered to the name the buyer chooses unless a buyer has not been found upon 8 weeks old. We do have Litter Themes (such as Stars, Band, Hearts, etc) that we require all new buyers to pick a name in relation to. The registration will be sent in before your puppy leaves and you’l have a copy in your email before leaving (or if done early enough, you will get a copy in the mail)


UTD on Vaccinations: STARTING 2024, Amore will utilize the Canine Nomograph.  Instead of vaccinating puppies with multiple doses of vaccines in hopes that one of them works, starting in 2024, we will be taking vaccination Titers of mom and using the Canine Nomograph to tell us exactly when a puppy can benefit from a vaccine. We strongly urge our puppy buyers to perform a canine titer on their puppies to ensure the vaccine has taken effect, for sure.  If a puppy stays longer than the age of 5 months, we will give them a rabies vaccination before leaving also. We offer in person delivery and in person pick up; Shipping is the buyers responsibility and we do not pay for any expenses pertaining to such. 


Health Warranty. We offer a lifetime Guarantee against the gene affliction of PRA (night blindness) and Fanconi Syndrome, a fetal kidney disease. We also offer a health warranty for all of our puppies. Within the warranty we go into depth about reimbursements and things not covered. You’ll receive a copy of all of our contracts, pre signed, for your records. We keep a copy as well, and require that you sign this in person (or send via snail mail ahead of time) before we’ll allow puppies to leave us.


Microchip Implantation and Enrollment: All of our puppies are microchipped and enrolled in AKC Reunite before they leave our home. We are put on as an alternative contact in case, for any reason, you cannot be contacted. We will *always* be an alternative contact just to ensure your puppy is safe and sound, until she or he can be returned safely to you. 



Health Tested Parents: All of the Basenjis residing at Amore Basenjis will be CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) certified before breeding, and MUST PASS all health tests. Our puppies are given the best chance at being healthy as their parents are fully health tested for Fanconi, PRA, Hip Dysplasia, an CAER eye exam through OFA, and most of the time, Thyroid is done as well. 

Because we care so strongly about health, IN 2024 we are offering to pay half of an EMBARK DNA test for your new puppy! This includes Fanconi Syndrome, PRA, Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency (which has, to our knowledge been eradicated), and Spinocerebellar Ataxia with Myokymia and/or Seizures (A newer disease to our knowledge).  Please specify if you wish to pay half for the EMBARK DNA test and well gladly test your puppy prior to leaving! 

Puppy Care Package: When available, to help you get started with your new puppy, we prepare Puppy care packages for you and your new puppy to leave with. Contents vary upon availability. We normally try to include a blanket that smells like mom, a baggie of current puppy food, a toy, leash & collar, etc. (If you like choosing these on your own, please let us know so that we can save them and ensure availability to those who will utilize them.) 


Puppy Blanket: We offer a baby receiving blanket [roughly a few feet squared] for all puppies. This blanket will be placed in with mom and siblings (around 5 weeks) until they leave us. The smell of the blanket will be scented with mom and siblings; which we do in hopes that it helps your puppy transition.  Since your home is new and different, and the smell of the blanket is old and familiar, we hope the smell will help make the transition from our home to yours much easier for everyone involved! We want to forewarn you now, that this blanket might be dirty and appear smelly; but that IS the point.



Puppy Birth Certificate: Special to Amore Basenjis, we provide a “Puppy Birth Certificate” to every new puppy buyer. These include lots of information pertaining to your puppy, along with Registered name, parents name, info about their birth, and! we even ink on each puppy’s actual paw print sometime within the first few weeks of life. We also include a photo of your puppy and its “legitimized” by our Amore Basenji’s Seal of authenticity.  





Exercise Appropriate Booklet: Pending availability, each owner will receive the Puppy Culture Exercise Booklet which is an important guide to raising a puppy in a safe and healthy way. If every puppy owner would read and follow these guidelines, a huge number of behavioral issues and fractures could be avoided! Indispensable for new puppy owners, it has great wisdom and guidance for breeders as well, to pass along in their own puppy packages. We love them and know you will too!

Clicker Trained: Puppies are started on Clicker Training and are usually doing well by the time they leave us. We use Clicker training to help teach your puppy and to ensure the quickest results in training. It is recommended that you continue to use the Clicker and to continue to shape your puppy to learn the behaviors you want him or her to learn. 



Obedience Training: All puppies are started on basic obedience, such as sitting and (weather permitting) learning how to walk on a leash. Puppies will be eager to mand (sit) automatically to ask for things and it is recommended you continue to teach your puppy how to mand. 

Puppies will hopefully also have some knowledge of how to walk on a leash before leaving (or at least be well on their way). Weather permitting, they will have been introduced to a leash and collar, and should eagerly walk when the leash and collar are put on. If weather restricts this, we will help explain the process so you can continue to teach the process at home. 



House Training: Your puppy will be well on his/her way to house training. We start young by introducing a bathroom area (puppy litter box) in the puppy pen after 3-4 weeks of age, to help with the process of house training. Once the puppies are old enough, we take them outside to go potty and to learn the proper place to go potty. We work hard so that the transition for your puppy is easier and the least stressful for both you and your puppy. Sometimes weather doesnt permit this, so we offer the litter box training as an easier way to transition the puppies outside


 Crate Training:  All Puppies have started crate training. Majority will be eager and willing to enter the crate and enjoy the time they have in there. Most will not cry when placed in the crate. We do recommend placing a Raw Meaty Bone (RMB) in with the puppy to keep them busy and ensure they do not dislike their crate. Please understand, however, that their lives are completely shaken up when they leave our home, and our routine. So, if the puppy does start to regress, or so it seems, please allow them time to recover, adjust, and get situated. We are here to help, though, and will offer advice on getting them back into routine.


100% Support: You will receive 24/7 support when you purchase a puppy from us. Whether its Email, Phone, Facebook, etc, we’re here for you! If you are close enough, we also offer support in person.  We want everyone to know that the relationship does not end once you take your puppy home. We enjoy updates in any form, but especially photos. Please know we want you to stay in touch when you buy a puppy because our puppies mean so much to us!



Educational Help: We also like to offer loads of educational reading materials (most of which we include on our personal puppy facebook group) and information to help you with the raising of your new puppy. We offer special information and educational videos (to those who request them) for those purchasing show puppies so that they are better able to learn how to show and present their dog appropriately.




Friendship: And of course, you get to have a new friendship for life (and so do we!). We are there for you when you need us and are always here to offer a helping hand.  By buying a puppy from us, you get to become apart of our extended family and are able to stay within the Amore Family forever, hopefully. 😉  We look forward to adding you to our “family” and hope you enjoy our puppies as much as we do!


We also have a Private Facebook Group for all of our “Amore” Puppy Buyers! This group is there to show my dedication to you for education, help, support, and guidance. There are numerous “file” tabs that you can click on to learn things like training, health, feeding tips, education, etc. The group is Private/Secret so that ONLY members (current and previous buyers) can see/comment in the group so people dont have to worry about sharing pictures, experiences, etc! 


We do have a facebook page that gives you up to date status’s of whats happening at Amore! Play by Plays of the puppy births, and every day info, including educational bits, show results, our life updates, etc. 

Take some time to “Like” us on facebook!   


NOTE: Please understand we care deeply about our puppies. If you do not wish to keep in contact with us or to send updated photos and just to keep in touch, please do not purchase one of our puppies. It is our goal to keep in touch with every single buyer, and to provide an amazing friendship. In addition , this allows us to learn what is going well and not so well, in our past and present puppies, so that we can improve our future litters and to help improve the breed by breeding better dogs.



-Half of an EMBARK DNA test

~ A “Basenji Stacked and Moving” Book  
                 (while supplies last)

~ An AKC 3 Generation Pedigree of puppy

~Videos to show you how to get your pup “ring ready”

~Videos to help show you how to show!

~We will even help showing if needed
       (if you are within a range to meet us)

In addition to the above, we also start our show puppies on training for the ring! They will be started on the “Killer Free Stacks” videos, both parts, and will be well on their way for learning how to free stack and listen to you.

We also start all show puppies on “Attention, the Mother of all Behavior” which is beyond helpful because it teaches your puppy to look at you. The more distractions they encounter, the harder they pay attention to you. This teaches them that the distractions are basically just cues to look and pay attention to you more!  


WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE ALL SHOW PUPPY OWNERS TO PURCHASE  “Killer Free Stacks” and “Attention the Mother of all Behaviors” dvd sets, because these will be VITAL in your training process, and to have the best behaved show puppy/adult you can!! Its strongly recommended and we follow these protocols for our own keeper puppies! 🙂


you can buy those dvds here:   JUST CLICK ME TO BE REDIRECTED